Sunday, November 14, 2010

Apple Wood Chips Michigan

Beet: How accommodate? Creme Brulee

When you are a member of a CSA (those that are readily understand) it happens to you often find yourself with a quantity of vegetables that you never thought to eat so often! Hence research to vary the meal!

It is with a big lazy (dare I say) that I wanted to cook my beets in a "fried potatoes", and although this does not only little time to cook but also is Divine!

Point earthy taste dreaded, or dominant sugar, a vegetable that is preparing very well to this method of cooking.

sauteed beet (or toast)

Beetroot (s) olive oil

Salt, pepper, nutmeg
fresh herbs (savory here)

your Peel beets and cut them into quarters. Heat a skillet with a drizzle of fine olive oil. Leave your beets and brown over medium heat until cooked (about 1 / 4 of an hour, stirring and turning neighborhoods beet regularly). Add salt and pepper, place your herbs on top and serve.

chocolate beet cake Joelle

I could not count the number of times I make this recipe, which I bluffed number of guests and children! Cake taste of chocolate, soft as desired, and which can liquidate a good portion of your stock beets;)

Chocolate & beet
8 / 12 people
Source: Joelle

250g dark chocolate 3 eggs

200g brown sugar 100ml
type of neutral oil, grape seed
100g flour 1 tsp baking

1 / 2 teaspoon baking soda
50g ground almonds 250g
raw beet (about 2)
3 teaspoons cocoa powder

Preheat oven to 160 degrees (convection), otherwise to 180 °.
Melt chocolate in double boiler or in microwave (4 minutes at 300W).
Grate beets - book. Put the robot in
eggs, sugar and oil - mix until a dough fluffy.
Add flour, baking powder and baking soda - mix.
Add the almond powder - mix again.
Add grated beets, cocoa and melted chocolate mixture in the egg / flour.
Mix again until a smooth paste.

Bake 50 minutes - the cake is cooked when a knife comes out dry.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar or a chocolate icing


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