Sunday, October 3, 2010

How Can I Tell I Fractured My Shoulder

Month of September responsible for Loulou:

month for Clement started on a beautiful sunny weekend and a wonderful family celebration (the wedding pictures are coming soon!) .
month continued with a second sunny weekend and another family celebration (baptism Lorenzo's cousin!).

Then came a third weekend sunny but cooler , program ballad Villard de Lans, visit the museum of automata and we do the crazy with dad.

The fourth weekend it was downright cold in northern Isere among friends of Mom and Dad.

As background, we go every Wednesday with Grandma and Clara, the park, or eating raspberries in last Meme (Clement loves them as much as his mom). Spitz will therefore now 4 days a week at the crib and everything went great. There's little habits. Cons are attacked by cold weather in style with, in order: bronchitis, ear infections, and already a week of insomnia (continuing) for which the pediatrician has no explanation (but think that it hurts somewhere!) and gave us more treatments ... We've tried everything and no improvement!

And first weekend in October ... and probably the last barbeque of the season! It was a beautiful day, shame he's too early to pick up the nuts!


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