Thursday, June 10, 2010

Relationship Days Counter

Clement bis 1 year!

So I said, my spitz was 1 year ! Yes already! Small mome nt nostalgia the way, my baby is not quite a baby, but mêm e time when I come back over the year just ended, um ... how to say I'm glad found sleep! :)

We celebrated the first time Birthday Loulou area the same day, 28 evening (that's why the video is a little shade s) to house, with the geographically close family. Then a second time with the father's family last Sunday and we go again with the mother's family on 21 (two birds with one stone as we celebrate Father's Day and my birthday). Meanwhile there was the baptism of the little cousin so the weekends are loaded. Besides Clement was very spoiled and need to try all the presents!

First a great place to go on the bike dad! It was missing too much not being able to exit last summer (except in the pram of course ...) and there between the back door baby bike seat and we'll take the air at the slightest ray of sunshine!

And a super scalable carrier to go wandering in the neighborhood!

Clement also had a small pool (not during the test but she returns hair cell on the balcony), books with different textures (He is a fan of the page with a doormat and refuses to touch him, he takes our hand so we do it for him this little rascal!), A toy shaped beetle that is full of sounds, toys Wood, a small bucket with a shovel and a watering can that takes each time we go to the park.

Otherwise spitz is a tad more grumpy these days, it dor t also a little worse but it's like any other extenuating circumstances pre-molar which point (I stopped counting, it must be 10th tooth) and a nice big cold.

He continues to wander in every corner of the apartment and do all the silly things possible.

forgot: last visit to the pediatrician, the curves depart finally up! 72 cm for 7.4 kg


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