sunny Sunday, 13h, in a small old building dated Renaissance ...
2nd floor, door X, bewildered eyes: "Yes, we heard screaming, ... it would be 4am. It has lasted half an hour. (...) They were crying as if she begged someone. There must have been a man with her, but he did not speak. (...) No, it was not called the police, it's not really our style, you know. "
Sunday, 13.10 in the same building conformist, avoiding the puddles of blood on the stairs ...
2nd floor, Door Y, careless eyes the aftermath of cooked, "Yes, I heard a woman moaning. (...) How long? A good twenty minutes. Even that time she said "Oh no, not that, not that ..." Besides, it prevented me from sleep. (...) Oh no, I have not done 17. I do not want problems. "
Day crappy, 13:20, in a building of any city, avoiding the stairs stained blood spurts zyeuter fine red on the wall resembling a thrashing.
third floor, door Z, eye brows on the cuff police: "Yeah, there was a dispute a couple, I guess. The woman was crying, she asked for help. (...) No, it was not called. And then, do not take it badly, but hey, we're not pro-police. "
World shitty, 13:30, in this stuffy little hutch, avoiding tears of blood on the stairs and the wall in the middle of a brutal rape scene and abject, surrounded by human stupidity ...
In neighborhoods plagued by trafficking of all kinds, Galapiats say they have not "culture" 17 as we understand them ... And in certain districts achieved more vulnerable to pre-conceived ideas as to violence, it is not "pro-police." These have never played Clue, too repressive to their liking. Even those who are outraged at shots "that the police do?! .
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