Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How Do You Make A Homemade Waterpik

BlogDay Is Today! Back

I would, as is still the day, because every time I miss the boat, so this time I'll start!

BlogDay ... everything is said in the title, I'll tell you about 5 blogs-favorites:

1 / Pepper Bird: who needs no introduction, a lovely young woman in all respects , generous and funny, and then talk forever about chili ^ ^ I will talk to her and soon one of its revenues in particular!

2 / Sunny Delight : gluten-free but not greed! Everything is falling, proof that one can be greedy and reinvent all the great sweet treats without wheat known:)

3 / CduBeau! : the beautiful, the good and revenue so attractive that it is difficult to resist:)

4 / AlterGusto : discovered at the # MM21, I am fast becoming addicted as by enticing revenue by the design of the blog and perfection photos

5 / Simply Breakfast: I love the pictures of these for breakfast, that the daily rhythm and then it gives some ideas ^ ^

Good BlogDay to all and good visits!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Gold Tokyo Marui Desert Eagle

, lapping ... Cucumber and red cabbage

We are settled, well. Now is the little things to develop, try out the new kitchen and have time - which is far from easy when his dear-and-tender is far-far-very far for many long weeks and I 'm just with my little king to deal with.

So mea culpa for the photos that follow but I could not do better, because not yet had time to develop my light, my favorite place to photograph, the time etc. ...

But still I wanted 1 / prove to you that I went back to the stove 2 / 3 give you news / you to share these two recipes that I have been inspired recently.

Chilled cucumber-square-almond and fresh chives
for someone

1 small cucumber or cucumber half a standard size 12
cool about 1 square fresh "organic"
3-4 tablespoons of almond milk

Peel and seed the cucumber, cut into large pieces and put them in your blender with remaining ingredients, mix well to get a velvety texture. Salt and pepper to taste and enjoy now!

red cabbage salad with garlic and tomatoes
for two

A quarter of a standard-sized red cabbage

3 ripe tomatoes 1 clove garlic
a squeeze of lemon 1 dash
argan oil
or olive oil 1 dash of vinegar Japanese plum (Ume Shu)
Salt and pepper 1 handful

crackers of your choice

Cut the cabbage into thin strips, the tomatoes into medium pieces. Press a clove of garlic in a bowl, add salt and pepper, lemon juice, oil and vinegar. Mix well

Crumble coarsely a handful of crackers over the salad and serve immediately.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mutiplication Chart 100x100


's it, my spitz made his first steps today Sunday, August 22, almost 15 months!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Slang In To Kill A Mockingbird

First Holiday!

We're back after ten days in Antibes where Clement has discovered the sea! Program Pool in the morning, beach in the afternoon and evenings out. Loulou started without difficulty at the pace of holiday: bed 23 hours, up nine hours! He made his naps on the seafront and shared all our meals. It's back to the nursery that will difficult!

Thank You Email Titles

Flo summer break in transit

I assure you I am back ... but I am still in transit because I will soon be leaving our apartment to our house ... Everything is cardboard or almost even the transfer cable for my camera is carefully packed ^ ^ (and impossible to lay hands on it! too tidy)

then no fuss, no account of holidays, no photos, no recipes .. temporarily !

promised you soon, as soon as I got my cable and I'd just about settled into our new home.
