I would, as is still the day, because every time I miss the boat, so this time I'll start!
BlogDay ... everything is said in the title, I'll tell you about 5 blogs-favorites:
1 / Pepper Bird: who needs no introduction, a lovely young woman in all respects , generous and funny, and then talk forever about chili ^ ^ I will talk to her and soon one of its revenues in particular!
2 / Sunny Delight : gluten-free but not greed! Everything is falling, proof that one can be greedy and reinvent all the great sweet treats without wheat known:)
3 / CduBeau! : the beautiful, the good and revenue so attractive that it is difficult to resist:)
4 / AlterGusto : discovered at the # MM21, I am fast becoming addicted as by enticing revenue by the design of the blog and perfection photos
5 / Simply Breakfast: I love the pictures of these for breakfast, that the daily rhythm and then it gives some ideas ^ ^
Good BlogDay to all and good visits!