Monday, May 31, 2010

Actress With Dark Hair

With the latest frozen pumpkin cubes, tired of temperatures: the fall in cake

Yet all was ready, t -shirts, sunglasses, scheduled withdrawals, hot wait ... and then no, still nothing, still cold, damp and gray (
It then returns to good recipes comforting, fragrant, invigorating colors and saveurs.Si you find some frozen pumpkin cubes that are not yet gone to pot despite persistent cold, try this divine cake Clea, you will warm to the soul, being given that the sun is still his little sneaky!

Cake Fall Pumpkin and Spice
Source: Clea
For 2 cake pans

400g pumpkin or squash, skinned, cooked (e) and reduced (e) mashed

4 eggs 2 dl vegetable oil (sesame or olive, for example)
hazelnuts 200g powdered in a blender, or powder hazelnuts
3 teaspoons cinnamon 1
teaspoon ginger 1 pinch of salt

180g brown sugar 350g
flour 1 teaspoon baking

1 teaspoon baking

Preheat oven to 150 degrees. Mix with mixer different ingredients in order, mixing well after each ingredient. Pour into two loaf pans coated with cooking parchment. Bake for Approximately 1:10. Cool on a wire rack. This cake keeps very well when packed (about a week). It can also be frozen.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Thank You To Pastor For Funeral

The beautiful days are coming ... think of yakitori!

temperatures back gently pushing the young emerge and become lighter moods ...

From the first sweet weather, our olfactory senses are titillated by the desires of people around ... at the beginning of the (long) BBQ season: D

I do not know about you but I j have my taste buds that are feasting aromas of summer (and yes, despite my recurring desire to vegetarianism, I remain a large carnivore!).

So until they could "soon" to make our next new home (yay!) I feast with yakitori grilled in the oven (those with a traditional barbecue, try the yakitori is divine cooked over ).

Very simple and quick to do, provided you have the range of basic ingredients, will delight you in less than two;)

Sesame Chicken Grilled teriyaki
Source: yakitori!
4 people

500 g chicken breasts
golden sesame seeds black sesame seeds

for the sauce: 8 tablespoons
Japanese soy sauce ( sweet if you are in)
4 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoons golden
mirin, rice vinegar or white wine sweet

Slice the chicken into small strips. Press
strips on the peaks, accordion.
Mix all ingredients sauce in a bowl.
Marinate the skewers in the marinade for one hour.
Drain the skewers and then roll in sesame seeds mixed.
Grill (either in the oven on grill or on the barbecue) and top them with sauce before serving.

I promise more soon ^ ^ yakitori

On Oovoo I Cant See The

Finally, it is nice! Loulou

The sun is back and we were finally able to make our first ballad, loulou quietly installed on the back of Dad. Sounds have really enjoyed it ... and us too! Saturday a trip to the Green and Fringe Sunday, the first rise in the Bastille, the traditional ballad Grenoble.
Clement still super good night's sleep, he wakes up even less. Well, a few wolves, this night, for example, Loulou was crying non stop from 4 pm to 6 am without an explanation is found ... The difference is that before he would still be awake at 6:30 or 7 while there he made the fat mat (and us) up to 9 pm
He always sleeps both in daytime and the great thing is that he can not sleep (if it is outside such as is often the case during the weekend) it is quite possible to shift his nap more Later in the afternoon. For lunch it's the same thing, he patient without worries. In fact everything is much simpler with Clement at the moment and we fully appreciate. Even the family meal that had become a source of stress (Clement often grumbled from beginning to end) are going really well now.
Loulou is always smiling (even though it has released the canines from the top) is a little rogue who wanders through the whole apartment, eyes sparkling, looking for something silly to do, and it finally goes real good time with our son. Go hop neighbor, I order already aged 10 or 12 months! :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What Happen When It Is Hypotention


Here is my heart, just out of her chicken pox (in fact it is still you ask me) who plays with his dad between coughing fits.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hives On Face After Waxing


While Clement is going really well ... and so are we!
It's been over a month that he sleeps very well at night, with just 1 or 2 clocks lollipops to 5 hours. We layer between 19 and 20 am and he gets up between 6 and 7 pm Because it's really great to spend hours trying to sleep at night and be up at 5:01 Sunday, we could really more!

Clement also sleeps really well during the day, at least when he is home. As he has done never slept so well since he was 2 months. It is usually 2 naps, the morning from 9 to 11 am and the afternoon of 13 h 30-15 h 30! He sometimes skip the nap in the afternoon (if you're not home for example) and in that case he sleeps after lunch.

My loulou has also suddenly stopped growling and Chouin day long, what he did and has always ended with us crazy. Now he plays and mop throughout the apartment. So you still have to monitor it as fuel to the fire since it is constantly in search of something stupid to do (such as climbing in the library, eat cat litter, getting caught under a door, go in-water emulsion in the tub ...). He also knows very well show his discontent (when he was forbidden to put their fingers into the socket, for example ...) but it never stays angry for long.

And all this while he is checking out a pre-mollaire, his 7th tooth.

Loulou eat really well (240 ml milk in the morning, 200 g vegetable / meat / starch + 150 mL milk at noon, 130 g of applesauce + 150 ml milk at 16 h and 270 ml milk in the evening). That's a lot of milk per day (800 ml, the recommended maximum), but the pediatrician I recommend no change, relative to its size. About template, it took 1 cm and 300 grams this month, the bare minimum but still better than nothing! The pediatrician still does not understand what could happen with the curve between the 6th and 9th month and I think it a bit guilty for having somehow released into the wild with the withdrawal and diversification steps which are still very important. Specifically what happened is that there is no mandatory RV during this period and when I saw the pediatrician it's because Clement was ill but she has not weighed or measured . And that's how we takes more than three months to realize that there is a problem ... She also recognized to have panicked a little fast and we have made to this famous blood test too early. In fact, we ended up with test results that she was unable to interpret and therefore that we have advanced nothing. Just have to wait for the RV in the endocrinologist.

He continues to gain stability when he stands up, falls far less and achieves very good to let go of one hand, squat down to pick something up, get up ... By cons it works only if he takes 2 hands.

He also discovered it had an index finger and toes all day long (objects, people, images). It's super cute to see him. He also kisses to people, including store cashiers and pediatrician!

So much for the news. One has the impression that they can finally breathe after all these months of hard and those sleepless nights!